• Product name: Industrial Good Grade Salt
  • Product classification: Industrial salt
  • Company name: Laizhou Haimeng Salt Co., Ltd.
  • Contact tel: 158-5450-9968
  • Company address: 352 Longtan Road, Tushan Town, Laizhou City, Shandong Province
  • Add time: 18/04/13
product details
Product inquiry

1. Product overview

Industrial high quality salt is made from natural rock salt or sea salt through the process of crushing, washing, refining and drying. It has the characteristics of high purity, low impurity, good solubility and stability. In industrial production, industrial high quality salt is usually used as raw materials, additives or solvents, and plays an important role.


2. Application field

Chemical industry: Industrial high quality salt is the raw material of many chemical products, such as chlor-alkali, soda ash, caustic soda and so on. In the chemical production process, industrial high-quality salt through electrolysis, reaction and other process steps, can produce a variety of chemicals, widely used in plastics, rubber, dyes, pesticides and other fields.


Pharmaceutical industry: Industrial premium salt also plays an important role in the pharmaceutical industry. It can be used as raw materials or auxiliary materials for drugs, such as antibiotics, vitamins, etc., the synthesis process requires industrial high-quality salt. In addition, industrial high quality salt can also be used for the drying, dehydration and crystallization of pharmaceuticals and other process steps.


Metallurgical industry: In the metallurgical industry, industrial high quality salt is mainly used in the smelting and refining process of metals. It can be used as a flux or reducing agent to help separate the metal from the ore and improve its purity.


Textile industry: Industrial high quality salt is mainly used in the textile industry for dyeing and printing processes. It can be used as a carrier for dyes and pigments, helping dyes better penetrate into fibers, making textiles colorful and long-lasting.


Other fields: In addition to the above industries, industrial high quality salt is also widely used in water treatment, glass manufacturing, rubber industry, ceramic industry and other fields.


3. product characteristics

High purity: Industrial high quality salt after fine processing and purification, impurities content is very low, to ensure its stability and reliability in industrial production.


Good solubility: industrial high quality salt is easily soluble in water and can be quickly and evenly dispersed in solution, which is convenient for use in industrial production.


Low moisture: industrial high-quality salt after drying treatment, low moisture content, not easy to absorb moisture caking, conducive to storage and transportation in industrial production.


Good stability: industrial high quality salt chemical properties are stable, not easy to chemical reaction, to ensure its long-term effectiveness in industrial production.


4. Environmental protection and safe use

Although industrial high quality salt has a wide range of applications in many fields, it also needs to pay attention to environmental protection and safe use during use. First of all, reasonable measures need to be taken to reduce the emission of pollutants and protect the ecological environment during the production and treatment of industrial high-quality salt. Secondly, when using industrial high quality salt, it is necessary to pay attention to safety protection to avoid harm to the human body and the environment.


In summary, as an important industrial raw materials and auxiliaries, industrial high quality salt plays a key role in many fields. Its high purity, good solubility and stability make it widely used in industrial production. With the progress of science and technology and the development of industry, the application field of industrial high quality salt will continue to expand and deepen.


5. FAQ

Q: What applications are industrial good grade salt commonly used for?

A: Industrial grade salt is mainly used in chemical production, water treatment, food processing, building materials manufacturing, agricultural fertilizer, synthetic detergent, dyes and pharmaceutical manufacturing and other industries. It is also used as a snow melting agent and an environmental deicing agent.


Q: What is the difference between industrial salt and table salt?

A: Industrial grade salt may contain more impurities and is not suitable for consumption. It is also produced and processed less rigorously than table salt. Food salt must meet higher purity and safety standards.


Q: How are the quality standards for industrial grade salt defined?

A: The quality standard for industrial grade salt is usually defined based on its use and industry standards, including the content of sodium chloride, allowable impurity levels, humidity, particle size and other indicators.


Q: How to judge the quality of industrial grade salt?

A: Chemical analysis tests can be used to determine the amount of sodium chloride and other components in industrial grade salt and the presence of impure substances or impurities. In addition, physical properties such as particle consistency and humidity can also be assessed by laboratory tests.


Q: What factors should I pay attention to when buying industrial grade salt?

A: When buying industrial grade salt, you should pay attention to whether its specifications meet your application needs, check the quality certification of the product and the reliability of the supplier, and consider cost effectiveness.


Q: What are the requirements for the storage of industrial grade salt?

A: Industrial-grade salt should be stored in a dry, well-ventilated place to avoid mixing with incompatible substances and prevent moisture absorption caking or contamination.


Q: Are there any potential environmental impacts of industrial-grade salt?

A: Industrial-grade salt can pollute water and soil if not handled properly. Therefore, appropriate environmental measures need to be taken to manage and dispose of used salt.


Q: Can industrial grade salt be recycled?

Yes, industrial-grade salt can be recycled through purification and recrystallization processes, or reused as an auxiliary material in other industries.


Q: Can industrial grade salt be used in food processing?

A: Certain types of industrial-grade salt can be used in food processing, but they must be food-grade and meet food safety regulations.


Q: How to handle and use industrial grade salt safely?

A: When using industrial-grade salt, wear appropriate personal protective equipment such as gloves and glasses, ensure good ventilation, and follow safe operating procedures to prevent accidents.


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